For Media Sellers Without CRM Software, Marketing Is A Waste of Time
There is no tool in the your armory more important and impactful to your revenue goals than your customer relationship management database. It allows you to to keep everything organized by tracking prospects, current clients, and most import your past clients while logging their journey through the sales funnel.
It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, a well organized prospect database is a gift that keeps on giving [Tweet this!]. Using a CRM can turnbocharge your marketing efforts, even to the point that marketing without a CRM can feel like a mouse running endlessly in a wheel. But with one, you can make some serious cheddar — as long as you and your team are using the tool as a team and the correct way.
How do media sellers use their CRMs?
Media sellers use their CRM to manage the details and tasks related to many different contacts so they do not have to rely solely on memory for information about their current prospects.
It helps keep to do list organized, manages your pipeline and saves your deals and relationships from getting sidetracked from the lack of following up. A CRM for a business is like the medical records your doctor has meticulously kept on you over the years to ensure he’s diagnosing you correctly. But in this case you’re the doctor and your prospects are the patients.
Don’t commit sales malpractice by not having a well kept CRM.
You can organize categories for different pillars you’re prospecting to focus your time in one area, this makes you exponentially more effective and efficient in your prospecting activities. Logging every move your company makes in your CRM allows you to keep track of who the decision makers for past clients, what they bought, when, and for how much so you can reach back out months – or even years – down the road. This information is invaluable to your sales team because it gives them tons of pre-qualified leads they’re wishing for everyday.
Why should I segment the data in my CRM?
Having your prospects and customers organized in your CRM by market category and especially sub market category allows your sales efforts (sales member logging this info when they create a new account) to help your marketing team save time by not having to figure out which product offering is best for that particular prospect. You can build marketing campaigns around each of your products and use this system to funnel prospects into the correct campaign. This is one way your CRM can help your sales and marketing teams align.
Check out our side by side comparison of paid vs. free CRMs.