AdTech You Need to Know About: AdThink 2018
In the ever-changing world of technology, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest AdTech and MarTech developments. Enter: AdThink, a collaborative event with the Winmo, Redbooks (recently acquired by Winmo), and the Ad Club of New York highlighting up-and-coming technologies that you need to know about.
Earlier this month, AdThink’s August event featured three exciting technology companies, Arkadium, BoardActive, and StatSocial. To share the wealth, we’ve dropped in some highlights from each presentation, as well as more details about each product.
Take a closer look at the AdTech featured below!
AdTech Made To Enhance Content: Meet InHabit by Arkadium
Arkadium provides interactive website content, including data visualizations, games, quizzes, and polls, to digital publishers like Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. Launched in 2001, the company has a hand in content and game development across a variety of channels, providing everything from Microsoft software’s Solitaire game to data visualizations on Sports Illustrated’s website.
Arkadium’s newest product, InHabit, takes the company’s mission of providing engaging content to the next level by utilizing artificial intelligence to populate ƒactives™, defined by the company as, “Arkadium’s interactive data visualization that amplifies human editorial with artificial intelligence, boosting user interaction and session duration.” The company’s code is placed on a page, where it automatically reads the content and processes the main idea of the article. Using that AI, a “ƒactive” about the main idea is places on the page with relevant data. For a better understanding of the product, check out Arkadium VP of Product Robert Caliolo’s fantastic Tom Brady example in the video above.
According to InHabit’s mission, the company has designed “sports ƒactives™” to break their own news by highlighting the most salient data, as predetermined by a human sports editor. “If a watercooler-worthy statistic comes out of last night’s game, and it’s contextually relevant, it’ll be included in a ƒactive™ and embedded in an article automatically,” says the company.
Best of all, these graphics demonstrably increase user retention (by 37%), engagement (by 39%), and session duration (by 100%). While InHabit is only rolled out to sports editorial platforms right now, the company sees potential across subjects. In his AdThink Q&A session, Caliolo said, “We think InHabit is much larger than sports. We think it’s relevant for any data-heavy industry. Finance, real estate, weather, politics, entertainment — we think all of these are really interesting.”
Learn more about InHabit and Arkadium, and check out the video above to learn more about the product and parent company.
When AdTech Gets Personal: Meet BoardActive
Meet BoardActive, a visual signage software that connects advertisers to consumers via their mobile devices. The company’s software, iAdvertising, places targeted ads and special offers on consumers’ smartphones when they drive, walk, or ride past any “BoardActivated” media — like a billboard, bus advertisement, etc. BoardActive aims to create synergy across platforms when consumers encounter advertising; whether or not a consumer is aware, the company is, in essence, engineering messaging serendipity.
The mechanism with which BoardActive is able to push these offers to geotargeted consumers is called AdDrop™. When consumers enter a geofenced area around an advertiser’s message, consumers are pushed an AdDrop message with offers to their mobile device. These messages and offers are completely customizable for each advertiser, including dates and times of messages, offers and promotions, information, immersive media, and more. While a consumer might not actively engage with your initial ad, AdDrop messaging can’t be avoided — meaning more reach, and more influence over buying behavior.
A boon for advertisers: these push notifications pop up regardless of whether or not a consumer is using your app currently, and push to the home screen, even when a phone is locked. Should a consumer miss the notification, a badge will appear on the advertiser’s app.
Unique to BoardActive’s value statement is its ease for advertisers on the platform. Once the iAdvertising STK is embedded onto an advertiser’s site, the company can immediately begin pushing AdDrops to users — no additional software of functionality required.
Learn more about BoardActive’s unique offering from CMO Jeff Gropper in the video above, and check out their website for more on the platform’s technology, tracking, and results.
AdTech X Audience: Meet StatSocial
StatSocial breaks down social following into granular, actionable insights. Want to know about the @Nordstrom following’s buying behavior? StatSocial can help you out. Interested in learning about the people mentioning @HBO in social posts? StatSocial is your tool. The use cases go on, and on, and on.
But that’s not all! StatSocial can also help target a particular segment across social channels. An example: If you want to target 25 to 34-year-old males who make over $50,000 a year, live in NYC, and watch Game of Thrones, StatSocial can find and target those individuals on social. The platform can also give you detailed data and insights about this group, like what other shows they watch, who they follow on social, their favorite brands and celebrities, and more.
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the StatSocial platform is its ability to go deep — real deep. According to the company, the platform’s “multi-layer taxonomy indexes 370 interests, 1,100 tv shows, 8,200 consumer brands and 22,000 celebrities” to find exactly what you’re looking for in an audience profile across 40,000 distinct segments. And with data from 60+ social and blogging platforms scanned, StatSocial take “thorough” to the next level.
StatSocial Matt Hussey broke down a recent use case for our AdThink and really highlighted how the platform helps brands and advertisers learn about followings, both of owned channels and those of competitors. Check out the video above, and learn more about StatSocial on their website.
P.S. Feeling compelled by the StatSocial product? Request a Winmo trial and get familiar with our StatSocial integration.