4 Actionable Insights from Winmo’s Scoops Group

by Samantha Stallard  |  February 25, 2021
Almost a year ago, in the early days of quarantine when we were still hosting Zoom Trivia Nights and lovingly caring for our sourdough starter, Winmo’s CEO, Dave Currie, created the Winmo Scoops Group. This private LinkedIn group provides sales leads and insights for anyone who targets national advertisers, brands, and their respective agencies. Over the last year, Dave added more authors to keep up with demand. Win More podcast host, John Zaldonis, WinmoEdge pros, Charlie Bell and Nathaniel Tangney, and I churn out valuable insights from advertisers ramping up spending or making impactful internal changes.

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While we don’t discriminate on the type of information we research and post (the only qualification is that it needs to create opportunities to make money), categories have naturally emerged. Check out four actionable insights categories from Winmo’s Scoops group, including real examples usually only available to our members. Then, keep scrolling to join and access this information every day.

1.  Spending scoops

Using the latest spend details from Adbeat available in Winmo, our team can identify spenders as they ramp up advertising. We outline which industries and advertisers are surging their ad spend to accommodate new consumer realities. Now’s the time to pivot focus and capitalize on the new ad opportunities.

spending scoop

2.  CMO scoops

CMOs have the highest turnover rate in the C-suite. In any economy, chief marketing officers must fight through ambiguity and financial limitations, but those stressors have only increased. In a 2019 report, Forrester said that, while “not foretelling an end to the CMO role, we do see a stage set for a desperate fight for survival.”

Shifts here can indicate the initiation of an agency review and is a prime opportunity to pitch a brand’s incoming CMO. In fact, a Winmo study shows that on average, a new AOR is typically named 6-18 months after the CMO is hired. With such a short turnaround, it’s crucial to time your new business outreach accordingly.

CMO Scoop

3.  Podcast scoops

Findings from Edison Research‘s latest report, prove how important podcast advertising is in 2021:

  • Podcast “super listeners,” Americans 18+ who listen to five or more hours of podcasts weekly, see podcasts as the best way to reach them despite a perceived increase in ads.
  • 49% of podcast super listeners agree that “Advertising on a podcast is the best way for a brand to reach you.” This finding was up from 37% in 2019.
  • “Your opinion of a company is more positive when you hear it mentioned on one of the podcasts you regularly listen to” increased from 44% in 2019 to 49% in 2020.
  • 33% of super listeners say they pay more attention to host-read ads than other types of ads in podcasts.
  • In last year’s survey, super listeners reported consuming an average of 9.8 hours of podcasts per week, this year the average increased to 10.5 hours per week.

Podcast scoop

4.  Top 10 scoops

This is a classic Charlie post. At least weekly, Charlie chooses a category like Home & Garden, Nonprofits, TV, CPG, or Software and breaks down the top 10 spenders. Each list includes the money they’ve invested (usually in digital advertising) coupled with the number of impressions received.

Top 10 Scoop

Join the LinkedIn Scoops Group here.

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If you liked this blog post, check out:

  1. Emerging Industries Report: Q1 2021
  2. How Winmo Launches Publishing Giant Into New Verticals: Q&A with Future’s Jason Webby
  3. How I Applied WinmoEdge Insights as an Agency Client

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