Prospect Watch: 4 RFPs You Should Know About
Responding to an RFP is a chance to capture new business, and often a necessity when it comes to keeping your full pipeline of opportunities.
According to reports, 51% of organizations respond to more than 50 RFPs each year. In addition, companies spend between 20-40 hours on each RFP response.
Following these numbers, for every 20 proposals the average vendor sends, only one will be successful. That’s a lot of time and money to invest in new business efforts with very little success. That’s where Winmo comes in.
In a process that requires an extensive amount of time and resources, we want to make sure you’re pursuing the right RFP opportunities for you and your team. Our in-house research analysts are bringing you four timely RFP opportunities to target now. Check them out:
1. WA’s State Lottery Issues RFP for Marketing, Advertising Services
Due Date: January 9, 2020; the question & answer period will run through December 31, 2019 & there will be a pre-bid conference on December 12, 2019
This RFP is a competitive procurement issued by Washington State Lottery, which intends to establish and award a contract for Marketing and Advertising Services.
Scope of Work: The Lottery seeks a marketing and advertising partner, to collaborate with and develop plans that increase brand awareness and contributions to our beneficiaries, promote our products, and increase sales. An ideal partner will also help increase engagement, likability, and reach, as well as understand the Lottery’s strategic goals and help to achieve these goals.
Plans mentioned within this scope of work include:
- Marketing Plan – a comprehensive document/blueprint that outlines the advertising and marketing efforts for the coming year. It incorporates business activities involved in accomplishing specific marketing objectives within a designated time frame.
- Advertising Plan – outlines the creative and media tactics, budget, schedule and other elements based upon the agency and marketing strategic plans.
- Communication Plan – a comprehensive plan to increase brand awareness, trust and likability, to help our business achieve optimum results in the media.
- Media Plan – the process by which marketers determine where, when, and how often they will run an advertisement in order to maximize engagements and ROI. An effective media plan will result in a set of advertising opportunities that target a specific audience and fit in with the Lottery’s marketing budget.
- Strategic Plan – an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy.
Contract Terms: Four (4) years with four (4) one-year (1) extensions available at the discretion of the Lottery.
Budget: Not disclosed
Contact: Jenna Johnson, Jenna.Johnson@walottery.com or 360.480.1611
Request a Demo for Access to WA State Lottery Decision-Maker Contact Info
2. Sacramento Metro Air Quality Mgmt District Issues RFP for Public Engagement, Outreach Services
Due date: December 20; questions due December 9
The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District is issuing this RFP to solicit bids from entities in the fields of public engagement, outreach and advertising to assist the District with air quality public education and outreach that results in meaningful public engagement with all of Sacramento’s diverse communities.
Scope of Work: Contractor will proactively provide innovative, professional services and strategic recommendations to the District in the performance of the following tasks:
- Public Engagement and Outreach – Assist the District with air quality public education and outreach that results in meaningful public engagement with all of Sacramento’s diverse communities. This includes, but it not limited to, outreach related to the District’s Wildfire Smoke Emergency Plan, Community Air Protection Program, shared mobility, electric vehicles, advancement of low carbon awareness and overall promotion of the District’s mission and identity. Work may include, but is not limited to:
- Website content and design
- Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)
- Print, outdoor and online advertising
- Brochures and other printed materials
- Promotional items
- Exhibits and displays
- Community event participation
- Video production
- Translation services
- News conferences and special events
- Media relations
- Check Before You Burn Campaign – Assist the District with annual Check Before You Burn campaign, which takes place November through February. Work may include, but is not limited to:
- Website content and design
- Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)
- Print, outdoor and online advertising
- Brochures and other printed materials
- Promotional items
- Exhibits and displays
- Community event participation
- Video production
- Translation services
- News conferences and special events
- Media relations
Contact: Veronica Ruvalcaba, Administrative Specialist, at vruvalcaba@airquality.org or 916-874-4830
Request a Demo for Access to Sacramento Metro Air Quality Mgmt District Decision-Maker Contact Info
3. City of Malibu, CA Issues RFP for Comms Support, Stategy
Due Date: January 6, 2020
Opportunity: The City of Malibu is seeking proposals from qualified firms to augment the City’s media team’s ongoing communications work and provide communication and outreach strategies to increase community engagement and awareness of City activities citywide, according to the RFP.
Scope of Work: The selected firm shall augment the City’s media team’s ongoing communications work and provide communication and outreach strategies to increase community engagement and awareness of City activities citywide including but not limited to the following tasks:
- Review and monitor the use of the City’s communication channels including social media platforms, the city’s media channels, print materials, videos, surveys, and other communication methods
- Create and schedule posts to City’s social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor
- Develop content for the City’s website and website generated e-notifications and messaging
- Draft written materials including press releases, Letters to the Editor, and op-ed pieces
- Develop communication campaigns to help launch new City initiatives
- Identify topics for press releases, Letters to the Editor, op-ed pieces, City website and media campaigns based on knowledge of city activities and priorities
- Review Council Agendas and Meetings, City website, and local news for opportunities for information sharing with the public
- Facilitate communication strategy discussions with designated City contact(s)
- Develop a strategic communication plan to increase community engagement and awareness of civic activities, projects and programs
- Provide leadership and direction for the implementation and maintenance of a citywide strategic communication plan
- Advise department’s social media managers on the use of department’s social media platforms
- Develop and maintain a 12-month calendar for City communications and a related implementation plan
- Answer communication-related questions, develop strategies, stakeholder outreach or otherwise aid in the City’s communication efforts as needed
- Have sufficient staffing to provide media support 7 days a week as needed
- Assist with messaging and all communication-related tasks as needed during emergencies
- Develop, monitor and report on communications metrics
- Provide City staff with advice on stakeholder outreach, communication efforts, and public engagement initiatives
- Provide translation services for written and audio communications
- Additional media assistance may include photography services, video production services, graphic design support, speech writing, presentation preparation, media training, drafting or reviewing media and communication policies and procedures and working with City consultants and external stakeholders
Contract Terms: The City intends to award a professional service agreement for a base term of two years
Budget: Not disclosed
Contact: Elizabeth Shavelson, eshavelson@malibucity.org
Request a Demo for Access to City of Malibu Decision-Maker Contact Info
4. San Francisco International Airport Issues RFP for Marketing, Comms Services
Due Date: January 3, 2020; there was a pre-submittal conference (non-mandatory) held on November 14, but we haven’t seen a deadline for questions
Opportunity: In order to provide better guest-focused, personalized marketing and communications messages, San Francisco International Airport wants to advance its marketing and communications efforts through strategic planning, marketing communications services, digital development (web programming, placement, analytics, and optimization), media relations, and internal communications, according to the RFP.
Contact Terms: Up to four years, with one possible two-year extension
Budget: ~2.1 million/year
Contact: Jean Joshua, (650) 821-5153, jean.joshua@flysfo.com
Request a Demo for Access to San Francisco International Airport Decision-Maker Contact Info