Winmo Employee Spotlight: Joe Winter & C4 Atlanta

Winmo Employee Spotlight: Joe Winter & C4 Atlanta

by Anna Crochet  |  November 5, 2019

Each Winmo employee challenges themselves daily to improve our platform and bring more value to our clients. However, there are also a lot of #WinmoWins taking place outside of the office right here in our community, and we’re proud to shed light on these efforts. With 100 employees under our roof, we like to recognize those who are putting in extra hours outside of their 9-5 with us to make a difference in our community. 

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With 100 employees under our roof, we like to recognize those who are putting in extra hours outside of their 9-5 with us to make a difference in our community. 

Meet Joe Winter. 

Joe has been with the team for just over a year and a half and works on our development team as a Software Engineer. Outside of Winmo, Joe is a leader within the Atlanta nonprofit community. Keep reading to hear how C4 impacts the Atlanta arts scene: 

What is C4 Atlanta’s mission?

Joe Winter: C4 Atlanta connects arts entrepreneurs to the people, tools, and skills they need to build a successful artistic career in metro AtlantaWe accomplish this mission mostly through the classes we offer. Class types include business planning, marketing, financial literacy, fundraising, and teaching artists how to work with communities. These criteria were created to help artists to earn a living making art. 

How did you get involved with C4 Atlanta?

JW: Back in 2010, my co-founder Jessyca Holland and I were laid off from a previous organization when the economy was still hemorrhaging jobs like crazy. We were familiar with Atlanta’s arts community enough to know many needs were not being met. We saw this moment not only as an opportunity to fill this vacuum of need, but also create jobs in a desperate time. What better time is there to create jobs than when the economy is down? 

What is your role in the organization?

JW: My title is the Secretary of the Board, meaning I take minutes during the board meetings. I also maintain the technical infrastructure. We just created a website called Opportunity Arts that lists jobs, trainings, and other opportunities for artists. While the website still needs some work, it has generated a lot of engagement thus far.

How can people in the community, and even other Winmo employees, get involved?

JW: C4 is always looking for board members. With C4 Atlanta, becoming a board member is probably the best way to get involved and show your support. We have a few committees also, most notably an advocacy committee. There are also events throughout the year that we always need volunteers for. Specifically, our unified auditions, which is a city-wide call for actors, require a lot of extra hands. Imagine 250 actors auditioning in front of 50 companies in a matter of two days! 

To learn more, visit

What are you most looking forward to in the coming year for C4?

JW: The organization just launched a new program, the Warner Media Creative Residency. C4’s office is also a co-working space for artists, called the Fuse Arts Center. We just launched an incubator program, and Warner Media came in to support the program, which now consists of six artists. C4 gives these artists space within the Fuse Art Center for a year. This group functions as a cohort, and C4 assists in steering their career paths for a full year. This is a great opportunity for the artists, and highly impactful for the organization’s mission as well. 

What advice do you have for those looking to get involved in nonprofit work?

JW: If you’ve never volunteered, every city has an organization of some kind that aggregates opportunities. United Way, Hands on Atlanta, and other similar types of organizations are the easiest way to find small volunteer opportunities that help get your feet wet when it comes to the idea of nonprofits. 

Most of all, I encourage people to find a cause they really believe in and find an organization that is working toward that cause. Simply reach out and ask the best way for you to show your support. 

I think joining a nonprofit board is one of the most meaningful things you can do. It’s a way to contribute to an organization very deeply, not just on a monetary level. As a board member, you can really have an impact on the mission and think through big issues strategically. If there’s one thing nonprofit boards could always use, it’s people familiar with the sales process. Asking others to give is one of the hardest sales jobs, but also one of the most fulfilling and rewarding. 

How does Winmo support your volunteer efforts?

JW: Winmo has an incredible volunteer time off policy, encouraging employees to prioritize giving back to the community. Several of my Winmo coworkers have given personally to C4 financially. In our new space, we have a wall set up with names of people who gave, and it’s so encouraging to see names from the office on it. 

One of the most meaningful things that I will never forget is our CEO Dave Currie providing a contribution that allowed the Development team as well as our HR Manager Barrett Corona to attend C4’s Spark Awards event last year. That really meant so much to me. 

Is there anything else you’d like to include?

JW: C4 Atlanta moved to South Downtown over five years ago and in that time it’s been such a privilege to see how the community and neighborhood around us have flourished. With other artists moving into the area it’s sparked a level of creativity that has been contagious for this part of town. Now, the Gulch is even being redeveloped. While we don’t credit ourselves for being the sole contributor to this transformation we are thrilled to be a part of it and see it continue evolving into something great!

Click here to learn more about C4 Atlanta and how you can get involved.

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