Infographic: What Happens Every 30 Days in Winmo

by Jennifer Groese  |  June 27, 2018

Sometimes I have a problem of oversimplifying things at work. I’ll think to myself, “Oh I can knock that out in an hour, or even a day” and it seems like every time I say those words out loud (or even think them) those projects always become the most time-consuming and exhaustive thing I work on.

Well, when it comes to sourcing prospecting data to fuel your sales and marketing outreach let’s just say this is one project you don’t want to fall trap to and oversimplify.

Luckily with the recent influx of sales technologies, business development professionals are becoming more adept at investing and using resources that make their lives easier. A few years ago a CEO might have said “Let’s build our own database” not fully thinking it through, but today that same CEO is saying “Let’s leave it to the professionals and just buy Winmo!”

But why? What makes it so difficult to build a database on your own?

Well, we’ve been doing this for the past 24 years and have learned a few things along the way. Mostly that data goes out of date….and fast! There’s more change in the media and advertising industry than ever before – brands are bringing creative teams in-house, investing in new job roles, and shifting the way they invest their marketing budgets. This means more flux of data to track and maintain.

Winmo’s often referred to as the most comprehensive and accurate advertising database in the industry, and let me be honest – this is something our team takes very seriously! We’ve learned over the years that data can’t just be scraped off the internet and thrown into a database. Instead, it takes human oversight to source, apply, and verify continuously.

So take our Winmo database for example. Here’s what we’ve built over the years and maintain consistently:

  • 135K+ Decision Makers
  • 11K+ Companies
  • 32K+ Brands
  • 8K+ Agencies
  • 1,600 Martech Companies

In order to maintain this massive amount of data, and most importantly keep it all up-to-date, there’s
A LOT of work that goes into Winmo. Here’s a glimpse into what our research team undertakes every 30 days to make it happen:

5,000 Confirmation Phone Calls Made
One of the key differentiators that sets Winmo’s data apart from others is our accuracy. We employ a US-based, in-house research team that provides human oversight and phone verification to every contact record in Winmo.

2,000 Agency Profiles Updated
Within a month, our team is updating over 2,000 of Winmo’s agency profiles. Typically this includes updating firmographic details or even a change in their agency-brand relationships.

30,000 Emails Verified
Over a 30 day span, our team is verifying over 30,000 email addresses within Winmo. That means when you’re plugging our data into your sales cadence you can rest assured it’s landing directly in your prospects inbox!

2,000 Decision-Makers Removed
Due to the constant churn in the advertising and marketing industry, paired with our unwavering commitment to providing the most accurate data available, our research team removes over 2,000 outdated decision-maker profiles each month.

50+ New Profiles Added
Since Winmo tracks national advertisers, in order for a company to make it into our advertising database they must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Over $50M in annual revenue
  • Over $750K in annual media spend
  • Works with a national agency

400+ Custom Research Request Completed
Sometimes our customers need to find a company that doesn’t yet meet our revenue or spend requirements above. In that case, they can submit a custom research request that our team then fulfills and sends back to the customer, typically within 48 hours. Now that’s support!

Ready to hand this over to the data professionals and get back to doing what you do best – selling? Request a free Winmo trial today.

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