casestudy nms

Winmo helped this outdoor company reach the right client in the right category at the right time.


Just a couple months away from Fashion Week New York, outdoor marketing firm National Media Services found themselves with limited prospects and limited time. Despite their NYC home base and an impressive work portfolio, they didn’t have any fashion relationships to build upon, and the fast-approaching deadline made working through an agency middle man an impossibility. They’d have to go client direct.


Sales VP Dean Corbo used Winmo to scout out client-side contacts at fashion advertisers in order to build a quit hit list of potential partners.


“Using Winmo, I reached out to DKNY and the next day got an email back from the head of marketing who said she wanted us to come in for a meeting. Within a month I closed that deal, so thanks to Winmo was able to add a new client to our portfolio for Fashion Week.”