
How to Craft & Pitch A Sponsorship Proposal
Are you responsible for developing external partnerships for your organization? Whether you are brand new to sponsorship…

7 AOR Shifts Presenting Opportunities for Sellers Right Now
Paying attention to agency of record shifts and understanding what opportunities they present have the ability…

Hot Off the Press: Nonprofit Organizations Who Need Marketing Assistance Right Now
Nonprofits present a unique marketing opportunity for businesses to partner in sharing their purpose and spread…

Predicted Agency of Record Shifts in H2 2019
Whether you’re a media seller, vendor or new business professional, we all wish we had a crystal ball when it…

60 Sponsorship Spenders Planning in Q2 & How to Reach Them
In the realm of sponsorship sales, it's not just about getting your hands on decision-maker contact information.…

Top 6 American Football Sponsorship Spenders
There is without a doubt a continued rise in NFL League/ team sponsorship and the amount of revenue that comes…

3 Reasons Sellers Should Leverage Social Demographic Data for Prospecting
After a long day at work, you probably get home, cook some dinner and then hop onto social media for a bit. There…

Hit List: Emerging Cannabis Brands Lighting Up Marketing Spend in 2019
Updated: May 24th, 2019
Predicted to reach $22 billion by 2020, the cannabis industry is booming with potential…

Prospect List: Travel & Tourism Brands With Marketing Opportunities On The Horizon
It's officially Spring Break season and as the weather continues to get warmer, the opportunities for marketing…

Q2 Sponsorship Opportunities: 5 Brands to Keep On Your Radar
As you know, scoring a sponsorship deal is all about timing. We want to help you start Q2 on a strong note by approaching…

Q2 Advertising Trends: Tax and Wave Season
Have you ever reached out to a marketer only to find they’ve already spent their ad dollars elsewhere? Nothing…

8 Emerging Brands from 2018 You Should Know About
In 2018 there were several companies that began shaking up their industries and today, we’re bubbling up eight…