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List Building Software | How does Mirren/RSW Rank?

by Duncan Connor  |  May 12, 2017

If you went to the Mirren Live agency new business conference this week, you probably saw the launch of the Mirren and RSW/US annual New Business Tools Report. It has a thing or two to say about Winmo and list building software for prospecting in general. 

So let’s get right to the action: if you flip to page 35 of the Mirren/RSW New Business Tools report, that’s the section that talks about software to generate new business prospect lists.

Best Agency New Business List Building Software

Over the last four years, the number of agencies using list building software has increased from 39 percent to 59 percent. For the first time, more agencies are using list building software than not. And the software they’re using might surprise you, too.

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Redbooks is in the technology stack of 10 percent of survey respondents. Data.com and Hoovers are used by 11 percent, while Access Confidential, in 3rd place, captured 23 percent of the market.

Winmo is used by 76 percent of these agencies, making it the most widely-used list building software. Again. We’re so proud more agencies choose Winmo to help them achieve their growth goals than any other list building software.

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If you’re in the 24 percent of agencies missing out on new business opportunities, get your free trial today.

Between Access Confidential’s 23 percent and Winmo’s 76 percent is LinkedIn, which 60 percent of agencies use to build lists, but the report points out that users of the networking site aren’t “literally building whole lists from LinkedIn, but rather using it in conjunction with other list-building tools.”

But big whoop, right? Just because Winmo is dominating the market doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best. Right? Right?

Dead wrong.

This year Mirren/RSW asked survey respondents to rate the tools they used on a 0-5 scale for how good they are in two categories:

  • Prospect identification (can you find contact information?)
  • List quality effectiveness (is that information accurate?)

Winmo was way out in front of the other specialty list building software on both of these measures, scoring 3.7 for identification and 4.1 for effectiveness. Access Confidential (again behind LinkedIn) scored 3.0 for identification and 3.3 for effectiveness. Our research and confirmation teams work hard every day to manually make sure the data in our platform is accurate and up to date. The level of satisfaction our customers express tells us that even though doing it this way is more expensive, it’s the right way to deliver outstanding list quality to our subscribers.

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The message to agencies is clear: if you want to find AND reach decision makers to win new business, Winmo is the most preferred, most reliable and most accurate list building software.

CRM and Marketing Automation Tools

The report explores other channels and tools, and among the most interesting insights it offers is the significant drop off in usage of customer relationship management (CRM) systems and email marketing automation platforms.

Given that these are considered by most sales professionals as essential tools for new business outreach, it’s curious that agencies are leaving those platforms. And since they are, what are they using to track individual conversations and mass emails?

The data collected by Mirren and RSW/US suggests the ease of use of Excel is tempting new business professionals to use the spreadsheet software as a lead tracking platform, and while email automation is steadily dropping off, MailChimp, which recently opened its automation tools to users with free accounts, is used by half of the agencies surveyed.

In terms of satisfaction, the top 8 email services offered roughly comparable campaign and list management satisfaction, while Hubspot CRM held a significant edge over Salesforce for client retention and lead nurturing.

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