Winmo’s Dave Currie Joins as Host of the B2B Sales Show Podcast

by Erynn LaFlamme  |  June 19, 2019

This week, Winmo’s very own CEO Dave Currie officially became a co-host on the B2B Sales Show. Starting his career as a business development representing and working his way up to hold just about every sales position imaginable, Dave provides a raw perspective on navigating a successful sales career within the B2B industry. Listen to his episode here or read through the audio transcription attached below.

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The B2B Sales Show featuring Host- Dave Currie of Winmo

Ralph Miranda: Welcome to the B2B Sales Show. We’re here today with Dave Currie, CEO at Winmo. Dave, how’s it going today?

Dave Currie: I’m doing great. Thanks. Excited to be here. Certainly looking forward to helping listeners of the B2B Sales Show.

RM: Well, we’re excited to have you onboard for our listeners, my name is Ralph Miranda. I’m the producer of the show from Sweet Fish Media.

Dave, tell us a little bit about your background.

DC: Well, I’m an Aussie bloke, a husband, father, and coach. I’m passionate about adventure and business. I’ve found that I’ve been as comfortable in a boardroom as I am on a surf or snowboard. So over the past 20 years, I’ve worked throughout the world from Australia to China, Canada, the UK, and the US, primarily helping B2B companies and their teams grow through proactive business development programs.

My personal expertise in the B2B segment is working with sales side advertising, media, marketing, and tech companies of varying shapes and sizes. I’ve worked through those sales and marketing career paths in pretty well every one of those roles and functions that you can hold. From my first days as a BDR to sales rep manager, VP, revenue officer, CMO, and today as CEO of Winmo. I’m humbled that we’re one of the largest, most comprehensive and widely used sales enablement companies in the US. And, given that position, I have a unique perspective on the state of the market. I really enjoy the opportunity to help people on a daily basis by sharing what I can from these learnings.

RM: Well, I’ll tell you, you bring a unique perspective. Obviously, you’ve come from the ground floor up on the sales side, starting as a cold caller all the way up to where you are today. So you definitely know the ups, the downs, the tricks, the traps of sales, and that’ll be refreshing to our listeners. We appreciate that.

Tell us a little bit about what you and your team are up to over there at Winmo these days.

DC: Our goal is to profoundly change business development. And through that, we consider and I guess the market considers even more importantly, that Winmo’s a world-class, B2B sales acceleration resource. Essentially it’s an advertising database that points you to exactly the right contacts, at precisely the right time to engage them.

We deliver actionable sales leads to thousands of customers who consider Winmo a mission-critical part of their daily sales stack. Researching, curating, and delivering these leads specifically for sales professionals and business development people who target tier-one advertisers or their respective marketing agencies. Now, it’s true that we do use technology, AI, and machine learning to increase efficiencies. But, it’s a manual process of human confirmation, interpretation, and context. We take great pride in our people and our purpose-driven culture of collaboration and accountability.

RM: Excellent. Excellent. Dave, tell us a little bit about why you and Winmo wanted to become part of this podcast, the B2B Sales Show.

DC: Yeah, so we’ve got really tight relationships with our customers. Helping them grow, we see what works and what doesn’t. I genuinely enjoy sharing these learnings and new sales, organic growth, and retention. So thank you for this opportunity to share those insights with listeners of the B2B Sales Show. I hope that we’re able to share some things which can make a real impact.

RM: Dave, how can listeners connect with you, or reach out to you if they have ideas for topics? A lot of times listeners listen to a podcast and they say, “I think I’ve got a great idea.” Or they want to ask some questions.

What’s the best way that they can reach out to you or your organization?

DC: I would genuinely welcome that from listeners. The best way to connect with me is on LinkedIn. Just go to Google, type in Dave Currie, C-U-R-R-I-E. So Dave Currie and Winmo, you’ll find me pop up there right away. You can also reach me on Twitter, @newbizdingo, New Biz Dingo. It’s a throwback to my Aussie heritage, or email me directly at

RM: Okay, sounds good. Well, we’ve been talking to Dave Currie. I’m personally excited about what we’ll be adding to the conversation in the B2B Sales Show with this show after having talked to you, and some of your insight. And I really appreciate you contributing as a host. Thanks again for making time to kick things off today.

DC: You’re very welcome. Thanks, Ralph. Looking forward to it and happy hunting in the meantime.

RM: Sounds good. Same to you.

The B2B Sales Show is a podcast dedicated to helping B2B sales professionals master the art and science of selling. If you want to hear what successful sales leaders and individual contributors are doing to break into new accounts, close more deals, and drive revenue for their organizations, you’ve got to check out their content!

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