How Winmo Elevates Your Salesforce Account

How Winmo Elevates Your Salesforce Account

by Noah Thomas  |  September 22, 2021

As an #AccidentalAdmin for six years, I know how unreliable and frustrating third-party tools can be to integrate into Salesforce. I also know the feeling of deep anxiety pushing data to Salesforce for the first time. The good news? Winmo makes it super simple to connect its database of reliable business information to your Salesforce account, so you can seamlessly fill your pipeline with accurate data.

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In fact, Winmo’s Salesforce connection is one of the features our customers rave about:

“If you are looking for a tool that easily implements into, contains media/revenue spend at the company level and brand level along with agency relationships, this is the tool for you!” Sales & Marketing Coordinator, Madden Communications

Ready to elevate your prospecting and connect your marketing ecosystems? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

(I also included some really powerful questions to prove ROI or build a use case for those that want to send this to your Admin, but need to prove value to your manager. As a Salesforce Admin for six years and a Salesforce Ranger let me be the first to say, Winmo does it right. You have the option to map any Winmo data to Salesforce and control where it goes.)

Your marketing is only as effective as your data

It doesn’t matter how good that drip campaign you set up in HubSpot or Marketing Cloud is if your contact details are out of date. We recommend relying on a data source with 90% email deliverability or better (Winmo typically clocks in around 93-97%). By enabling your team with Winmo and connecting it to Salesforce, your account managers or new business directors can tie together critical connections. 

It’s easy to map data from Winmo to Salesforce

First, you click either option one “Export All” (which exports all contacts), or option two “Export” (which exports an individual contact). Then, a dropdown will appear — select “Export to Salesforce.” Next, select whether to export the data to your live Salesforce org or test environment. If it’s the first time you’ve done this, the next screen will ask you to allow access, click “Allow” (not shown here). Then you see the following screen:



This is the exciting screen. First, in Section 1, Winmo will show how many downloads remain, how many contacts you are about to download, if you have downloaded any of those contacts previously, and how many contacts you will be charged for. 

In the second section, you have the option to import those contacts as either a lead or contact. If you are unsure about which to do, keep reading… Section 3 is where I give Winmo the gold star. Yes, you can leave this off, however, I strongly recommend that you turn it on. The more data, the more targeted your marketing will be. Here is what happens if you turn it on:

Section 3

In the screenshot above in Section 1, you can see the Winmo data (I have it blurred). In Section 2, select the fields in Salesforce where you want that data to be populated. Use the drop-down menus to select which fields you would like. In this example, I selected the lead object but, if you wanted to import to the Contacts object the same process will apply. 

The third and last section is the most exciting.

When you click “Add a Field” there will be three blank sections, if you click the furthest left section you will see the following:


All of the fields above can be imported from Winmo to your Salesforce account. Once you select one it will populate the data from Winmo in the grey section above. After that data appears, you can select the Winmo field you want to populate in Salesforce (on the far right-hand side dropdown above). 

The fourth option, and final step in the process, is to “Export to Salesforce.” Once you press that button, you will see this screen:


Here’s what the email looks like:


Here you can see, in Section 1, how many successful leads or contacts (depending on which you select) were created in Salesforce.  In Section 2 you can see if any failed, I picked one that I knew would fail to address the most common reasons records (data) fail to integrate. In Section 3 you can see each record broken down by name email, the link to where it is in Salesforce, and whether the record succeeded or failed. That’s all there is to it. Congratulations, you did it! 

Forward strategy, and questions to prove ROI 

No matter how awesome these softwares are, you must have a plan. Here are 10 questions to build a dynamic relationship between your Salesforce account and Winmo at your organization: 

  1. How much time would you save without flipping back and forth between Winmo and Salesforce?
  2. Would you make more sales, or change your approach, if revenue data from Winmo integrated into Salesforce?  
  3. What could you do with leads generated in Winmo created in Salesforce?
  4. Would it save you time if contacts or leads were already in Salesforce? When a WinmoEdge article comes in, could you take action on it? 
  5. How accurate is the contact data in your Salesforce account?
  6. When is the last time you did a data audit to check the accuracy of your contacts? 
  7. How long does it take for someone at your company to enter contact details from Winmo? What else could they do with that time? 
  8. How many key contacts might be missing from your last marketing campaign, but are in Winmo?
  9. Could you make campaigns faster if the contact details from Winmo were in Salesforce? 
  10. How much revenue could your business generate if you could target more contacts? 

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  1. eBook Download: 7 Back to School Advertisers Buying in Q3 2021
  2. 5 Winmo Features We Don’t Talk Enough About
  3. 21 Sales, Media, and Advertising Statistics for 2021

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