3 Tips For Creating A Successful Sales Strategy
In this video you’ll learn:
- The importance of segmenting your market
- Knowing who you’re targeting and organizing your outreach accordingly
- How to measure success
- Putting measurements in place to determine if your new outbound strategy was successful
- What your approach will look like
- Making sure your approach is successfully engaging all decision makers and potential users
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Video Transcription
Hey, it’s Dave Thompson, chief revenue officer at List Partners, home of Winmo, and I’m here today to talk about how to create a successful outbound sales strategy. In terms of the very first step that you do is, one, is obviously identify what an ideal client, ideal customer is, but then next, segment by market. So this could be a value base, need base, could be based on region, also could be based on industry. So many years ago our sales team was going after anyone that they could find. It was very much a shotgun approach. Uh, and so we took a look at all of our clients and we figured out that we could really segment those clients into four major pillars as we call them are industries. So we had sponsorship, which is nonprofits in sports teams, media, which was anyone that was selling advertising, ad technology, as well as ad agencies.
So once we segmented our clients, we also segmented our sales team in those pillars. And what we’re able to do is get really refined in our messaging, customize our approach. And our sales team became industry and thought leaders in those industries, and we saw our revenue take off at that point. So what I highly recommend is taking a look at your client base and seeing what ways you can segment those clients, because the more segmented you can get, the more personalized you can get, the more customized you can get in your approach, and the more successful your sales strategy is going to be overall.
The second step in our approach to creating a very successful outbound sales strategy is setting together and putting together specific KPIs and figuring out how you are going to determine whether that sales strategy is going to be successful or not. And it really all comes down to KPIs.
So hopefully you’ve got KPIs, that kind of a baseline that you’re looking at. If not, I certainly recommend looking at things like average contract value, your sales cycle, lead conversion rates, email opens, click throughs, those sorts of things. Get the baseline, and then every month as you implement the new strategy, check those KPIs against what you’re working on to see if there’s improvements, and see if you’re successful. Because what I find a lot of times, is that clients introduce and implement new sales strategies, and it’s eight months later where they determined that they’re not making a serious impact. So the more you can measure and define what is considered successful in terms of this new approach, the faster you’re going to be able to make any changes necessary.
Finally, step number three, the last step. We’ve identified our market segments, we have KPIs in place, we know what success looks like, so finally we have to create that outbound approach.
And what I really recommend, and where I see a lot of a lot of salespeople shoot themselves in the foot, is that they’re targeting a specific lead, or that they target a specific contact, as opposed to the company itself. So what I highly recommend is taking an account based approach, where you’re targeting not just one individual, but multiple influencers and multiple decision makers at the company. I’m asked a lot of times what is the best when reaching out to a company? Do you want to go top down or do you want to go at the bottom? Start with the user. Start with influencers and work your way up. And, and what my answer always is both. So you want to target the decision makers as well as the actual users on the account. At the same time, have more of a shotgun approach. Get very targeted in terms of your market, your company that you’re, uh, that you’re going after, but get very, uh, get more broad in terms of the actual individuals that you’re targeting at those.